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Other Courses

We have a range of courses to help you develop as a mission practitioner

Short Courses

Our short courses are designed to provide insights into contemporary cross-cultural mission practice. They are run by our own staff and other specialist tutors.

Whether you are looking for academic study or prefer something creative and hands on, we have a short course for you.

Advanced Short Courses

The postgraduate level advanced short courses are ideal for anyone:

  • Involved in and looking to deepen their understanding of the theory and practice of mission in diverse contexts (both in the UK and beyond)

  • Wanting to update their knowledge of cutting edge theory and practice from a biblical perspective

  • Practitioners who are moving into new areas and contexts in their mission involvement.

CPD Certified Courses

All Nations is now a member of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certification Service, allowing us to provide accredited courses to ministry professionals who wish to improve their skills to enhance performance in their workplace, and future career prospects.

We're Here To Help

Unsure which course is right for you? Or have another kind of query? Don't hesitate, contact us today.

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