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We will do everything we can to help our students prepare for the work God has called them to. But we can’t do it without you. Join us in our mission because the sharing of the Gospel has never been more needed.

Help Us To Prepare Disciples For Cross-Cultural Mission And Ministry

60 Years of All Nations

Thank you for your interest in helping us to celebrate 60 Years of All Nations.

For 60 years All Nations Christian College has been training and equipping disciples of Jesus Christ in partnership with the global church to go and make a difference in the world.

The College traces its roots back to the formation of the ‘All Nations Missionary Union’ (ANMU) in 1892, which trained men for cross-cultural ministry. The ANMU was renamed as ‘All Nations Missionary College’ (ANMC) and moved to the present campus at Easneye, in 1964 where the All Nations Training Programme began.

Since then our graduates have gone on to have transformational Kingdom impact across the world, with many in significant positions of mission and ministry leadership globally. Supporting the in-depth training of mission-minded Christian leaders is perhaps the most strategic Kingdom investment that you can make!

This year we are asking you to support us in two ways by Praying and Giving.


Enable All Appeal

Help enable students from all around the world access vital mission training – DONATE to our Enable All Appeal today!


Thank you for your interest in the All Nations Enable All Appeal. 

We are an exciting intercultural learning and worshipping community that unites students in our on-campus classrooms with those joining online from elsewhere in the world. Our aim is to help students to grow spiritually, think critically, engage cross-culturally, and enhance their Biblical, and missiological understanding to equip them for mission and ministry. This level of training requires financial investment in our students, therefore we would like to invite you to join us by supporting them to make a positive and lasting impact in the world.

Remember All Nations in Your Will

All donations can make a difference

Your wishes, expressed through the medium of a will can make a real difference to us in our efforts to ensure that as many students as possible can train at All Nations and go on to effectively participate in cross cultural mission worldwide.

Making a donation in your will, large or small, is as vital as it is easy. For those who are concerned about their finances, this is a very practical way to support us as a charity, since it is an indication of commitment rather than a fixed amount.

This form of giving does not mean that families go without - far from it. But what you do leave will make the world a better place for everyone you care about. Please contact our Finance Manager on 01920 443500 or email: for more information.

We are very grateful for the legacies we have received, which are enabling us provide relevant training for students of many different nationalities.


Donating to All Nations

We greatly depend on you, thank you for your support


Our supporters help us in our task of training and equipping men and women for effective participation in God's mission to His multi-cultural world.

If you can, please use the online method above, thank you.

Set up a Standing Order

We depend enormously on our supporters, particularly those who give regularly. To set up a standing order please click here.

Donate by Bank Transfer

Please e-mail and our finance staff who will be pleased to let you have our bank details.

Donate by Post

If you would like to send us a cheque, please make this payable to 'All Nations Christian College Limited'  and send it to us at this address:

Finance Department
All Nations Christian College,
SG12 8LX

We're Here To Help

Unsure which course is right for you? Or have another kind of query? Don't hesitate, contact us today.

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