Monday 14 July - Friday 18 July 2025
Residential - December │July
Why Choose Express?
Are you...
a leader or member of a multicultural / diaspora church?
interested or involved in cross-cultural missions in your local community?
considering or about to embark on a short-term missions trip?
wanting to learn more about mission and what it means to be missional?
involved in supporting missions in your local church or through a mission agency?
…then the Express course may be just what you are looking for.
What Students Have Said ...
"It has equipped me for going in to another culture."
"The training I received at Express, All Nations has been so relevant to what I experienced on mission: culture shock, transition, a multicultural team etc. It was a really valuable time of preparation, both with our heads (in classes) and our hearts (through friendship and time with God)."
"Full of practical advice, it has been helpful to think through my personal character and potential reactions to situations in mission."
What Is Express?
The course aims to lay a foundation for the understanding and practice of cross-cultural missions in any context, home or abroad.
The course topics are built around three key questions:
What is mission?
Why get involved in cross-cultural mission?
How can I work well with those from other cultural backgrounds?
There are also four cross-cutting themes that run throughout the course to help focus the learning. These are:
Biblical Foundations
Cultural Awareness
People Skills, and
Practical Issues
What Express Is Not ...
A substitute for in-depth training for longer term mission service if you intend to be serving abroad for more than one year.
An accredited, higher academic course.
Entry Criteria
There are no prior academic requirements for Express. Full benefit will come to those with good conversational English. An indication of the advisable level of English would be an IELTS score of 4.5 in Listening and Comprehension and 4.0 in Reading and Writing. The College retains the right to refuse an application if it is not satisfied with the candidate’s ability to communicate in the English language.
What Qualifications Will I Get?
The All Nations Christian College Express certificate.
How Is The Course Delivered?
The course is delivered through interactive workshop style sessions, presentations, case studies, and group activities.
What Does It Cost?
The course costs £444 (2024-25). This includes accommodation and meals.
Further Information
For more details about express please contact the Express administrator, at