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Learning Ethos & Approach to Training

All Nations training equips men and women with effective tools for world mission.

At All Nations, we believe that people are whole beings and learn best when subjects are taught in an integrated way, addressing our minds, attitudes and our ability to do things.

Learning Ethos

All Nations believes that people are whole beings and learn best when subjects are taught in an integrated way, addressing our minds, attitudes and our ability to do things.

Holistic Learning: Head, Heart and Hands

Our learning ethos is that we want to address the whole being when learning, leading to a change in knowledge, attitude and ability in each student. The Head engages the mind and intellect, the heart brings the character and emotions, and hands encompasses the actions, relationships and practical skills. Together they are an expression and combination of who we are. We recognise this integration leads to a fuller assimilation of the understanding and experience of the student, transforming the whole person through the learning experience. We trust God that he uses this approach as a tool for transformation, and we love seeing students learn and be discipled during their time studying at All Nations!

Our learning ethos is part of the key four areas in our training:

  • Biblical and Theological Understanding: understanding and applying God’s Word

  • Cross-cultural Engagement: understanding other cultures and how to engage with them

  • Personal Development and Spiritual Maturity: understanding ourselves and others''

  • Relevant Ministry and Practical Skills: understanding practical ways of applying your learning.

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