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Postgraduate Certificate

These programs are ideally suited for those who have years of Christian ministry experience and want to reflect on their practice to be equipped for the future.


The Certificate in Missiology is for you if you have experience in cross-cultural mission and ministry and want to deepen your knowledge and understanding but are not able to commit to the full Postgraduate diploma or Masters programme.

The PG Certificate comprises two core modules (Holistic Learning Foundations and Biblical & Theological Foundations for Mission) and then either Anthropological Foundations for Mission or one of the available elective modules.

The Certificate can be studied full time over 9 months, or spread over a longer period of time for part-time study. The programme is available both residentially and by remote access. Full-time students usually study residentially.

The programme is very flexible so do please get in touch and discuss your study options with us.

Missiology (PG Certificate)

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