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Postgraduate Masters and Diploma

All Nations Christian College is one of the largest colleges of its type in Europe, and has been providing postgraduate cross-cultural mission training for over 30 years.

The All Nations Postgraduate programme is a globally recognised programme which enables experienced cross-cultural mission and ministry practitioners to reflect on their experience and be equipped for the future. It includes a general missiology award as well as 7 specialist awards and is highly flexible. Students can study full time or part-time, and in person residential or by remote access, or a combination of these. The programme offers the opportunity to study with a diverse global cohort, resulting in an exceptionally rich learning environment.


> Missiology (PG Diploma, MA)

> Intercultural Leadership (PG Diploma, MA)

> Transformational Development (PG Diploma, MA)

> Contextual Theology (PG Diploma, MTh)

> Staff Care and Wellbeing (PG Diploma, MA)

> Arts & Intercultural Worship (PG Diploma, MA)

Course Duration and Delivery

The MA/MTh can be completed full time in 1 year. Full time students usually study on campus residentially.

Part time students usually complete the MA/MTh programme over 2 to 3 years, however students wishing to do so can spread their studies over a longer period. Part-time students usually study remotely.

The Postgraduate diploma can be studied full time over 9 months, or spread over a longer period of time for part-time study.

The programme is very flexible so do please get in touch and discuss your study options with us.

Programme structure

The MA/MTh and PG Dip programme comprises three core modules (Holistic Learning Foundations, Biblical & Theological Foundations for Mission and Anthropological Foundations for Mission) studied by all students across the award areas. Students then study two specialist elective modules in their award area.

The research phase of the programme focuses on a topic in your chosen award area and comprises a preparation module and the research and writing up of a dissertation focused on your award area. Practice based research options are available for some awards.

PG Dip students are not required to complete the final dissertation.

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