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Marking 30 Years of Partnership

It’s with great pleasure that we celebrate an incredible thirty years of partnership with The Open University!

It’s with great pleasure that we celebrate an incredible thirty years of partnership with The Open University!

The Open University Vice-Chancellor, Professor Tim Blackman says: 

“To reach such a significant milestone of partnership is testament to the quality of provision of the College and to the hard work and commitment of staff, both past and present.

Validation partnerships are an important part of The Open University’s mission to widen access to Higher Education, and the partnership with All Nations Christian College is an important part of the wide-ranging group of partnerships The Open University has had since it began offering validation services in 1992.

Congratulations again on reaching this significant milestone.”

All Nations’ Principal and CEO comments:

“We’re honoured and delighted to have achieved this landmark anniversary, underscoring a history of strong working relationships, support and encouragement from our valued friends at The Open University.”

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