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Leading the way in cross-cultural mission training

Build sound biblical and spiritual foundations for transformative and life-changing Christian mission and ministry.

Flexible learning to suit your needs

Build healthy spiritual and biblical foundations for transformative, life-changing work.

We offer a flexible undergraduate programme validated by The Open University for Christians working cross-culturally. Train, prepare and learn in our thriving multicultural community, whether on campus or remotely. Build healthy spiritual and biblical foundations for transformative, life-changing work.

Call us on +44 (0)1920 443500

Flexible learning to suit your needs

Build healthy spiritual and biblical foundations for transformative, life-changing work.

We offer a flexible undergraduate programme validated by The Open University for Christians working cross-culturally. Train, prepare and learn in our thriving multicultural community, whether on campus or remotely.


We know that the application process can feel daunting - that's why we will make the process as simple and stress-free as possible

We're here to answer your questions and guide you at every stage of your application journey.

Our friendly team is here to support you.


Together, we can build God's global church.

We can equip and empower God's people for cross-cultural mission wherever they come from.

Pray for us and our students; give what you can to enable more students to study with us; leave a legacy in your will to make a lasting impact - however you choose to support us, know that you're building God's Kingdom and joining a global community of world changers.


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